Document of AOSIO Development

4 min readAug 10, 2020

As we know, AOS was developed based on EOSIO, so all the EOSIO documents and usage, are worked for AOS. Developers can refer to for more information and details.

1. Basic

1.1 Install AOSIO

Clone source code of the aosio/aos repository.

git clone — recursive

cd aos




sudo ./script/

1.2 Install CDT

Clone source code of the aosio.cdt repository.

git clone — recursive

cd aosio.cdt




sudo ./script/

1.3 Create development wallet

1.3.1 Create a wallet:

claos wallet create — to-console

It will return a password, save this password somewhere as you will likely need it later in the tutorial.

1.3.2 Open the wallet

Wallets are closed by default when starting a kaosd instance, to begin, run the following:

claos wallet open

Run the following to return a list of wallets.

claos wallet list

1.3.3 Unlock it

The kaosd wallet(s) have been opened, but is still locked. Moments ago you were provided a password, you’re going to need that now.

claos wallet unlock

You will be prompted for your password, paste it and press enter.

1.3.4 Import keys into your wallet

Generate a private key, claos has a helper function for this, just run the following.

claos wallet create_key

It will generate a new private key with a public key.

claos wallet import

You’ll be prompted for a private key, enter the aosio development key provided earlier.

1.4 Start kaosd and nodaos

1.4.1 Start kaosd

kaosd &

1.4.2 Start nodaos

nodaos -e -p aosio \

— plugin eosio::producer_plugin \

— plugin eosio::producer_api_plugin \

— plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin \

— plugin eosio::http_plugin \

— plugin eosio::history_plugin \

— plugin eosio::history_api_plugin \

— filter-on=”*” \

— access-control-allow-origin=’*’ \

— contracts-console \

— http-validate-host=false \

— verbose-http-errors >> nodaos.log 2>&1 &

1.4.3 Check the installation

Check that nodaos is producing blocks

curl http://localhost:8888/v1/chain/get_info

You can check to see if the height is same.

1.5 Create test accounts

Using aosio to create two test accounts, alice and bob.

claos create account aosio alice

claos create account aosio bob

1.6 Compile contracts

For example, if your contract code file is hello.cpp, then compile your code to wasm as fellows:

eosio-cpp hello.cpp -o hello.wasm

1.7 Deploy contracts

For example, you try deploy your hello contract into alice account, as fellows:

claos set contract alice CONTRACTS_DIR/hello -p alice@active

1.8 Execute the contract

claos push action alice hi ‘[“bob”]’ -p alice@active

1.9 Add inline actions

In order for the inline actions to be available, add the aosio.code permission to the contract’s account’s active permission.

claos set account permission alice active — add-code

2. Advanced

Besides EOSIO related features, AOSIO provide multiple intrinsics that developers can use to make powerful cryptographic DAPPs.

2.1 assert_cipher_equal_prove

This intrinsic provide cipher equality prove. It checkes if cipher_balance equal provided eq_para and public key.


#include <eosio/crypto.hpp>


void assert_cipher_equal_prove(const char* cipher_balance, size_t cb_len, const char* eq_para, size_t eq_len, const char* pub_para, size_t pp_len);


cipher_balance: cipher balance of original value

cb_len: length of cipher_balance

eq_para: equality parameter, cipher balance of value

eq_len: length of eq_para

pub_para: public key of sender

pp_len: length of pub_para

2.2 assert_cipher_valid_prove

This intrinsic provide cipher valid prove, it verify account’s public key and bulletproofs.


#include <eosio/crypto.hpp>


void assert_cipher_valid_prove(const char* prove_para, size_t pv_len, const char* pub_para, size_t pp_len);


prove_para: prove parameter

pv_len: length of prove_para

pub_para: public key parameter

pp_len: length of pub_para

2.3 assert_cipher_ecdsa_signature

This intrinsic provide verifying ECDSA signature.


#include <eosio/crypto.hpp>


void assert_cipher_ecdsa_signature(const char* eq_para, size_t eq_len, const char* from_pub_para, size_t fp_len, const char* to_pub_para, size_t tp_len, const char* sig, size_t sig_len);


eq_para: equality of prove paramter

eq_len: length of eq_para

from_pub_para: from account public key parameter

fp_len: length of from_pub_para

to_pub_para: to account public key parameter

tp_len: length of to_pub_para

sig: signature of the data

sig_len: length of sig

2.4 assert_cipher_encrypt

This intrinsic provide verify cipher encrypt function. It checkes if ciphertext matches encrypt(pubkey, value, random).


#include <eosio/crypto.hpp>


void assert_cipher_encrypt(const char* random, size_t rand_len, unsigned int value, const char* pub_para, size_t pp_len, const char* ciphertext, size_t ct_len);


random: random number

rand_len: length of random

value: a number that need to be encrypted

pub_para: public key

pp_len: length of pub_para

ciphertext:cipher text

ct_len: length of ciphertext

2.5 cipher_add

This intrinsic provide cipher add function.


#include <eosio/crypto.hpp>


eosio::cipher128 cipher_add(const char* cipher1, size_t len1, const char* cipher2, size_t len2);


eosio::cipher128: a 128 char array

cipher1: first cipher string

len1: length of cipher1

cipher2: second cipher string

len2: length of cipher2

2.6 get_permission_key

This intrinsic get account’s related public key.


#include <eosio/permission.hpp>


int get_permission_key(name account, name permission, char* pub, size_t publen)


account: account

permission: permission type of account, i.e, “active”or “owner”

pub: output char array

publen: length of pub

2.7 prove_bulletproof

This intrinsic generate a bulletproof for a value.


#include <eosio/crypto.hpp>


void prove_bulletproof( uint64_t value, const unsigned char* blind, size_t blindlen, unsigned char* proof, size_t plen)






value: a unsigned int64

blind: a 32-byte unsigned char array, random number

blindlen: length of blind, should be 32

proof: output of bulletproof, 675-byte unsigned char array

plen: length of proof, should be 675

2.8 assert_verify_bulletproof

This intrinsic verify proof, if proof verified succeed, it pass, otherwise, it panic.


#include <eosio/crypto.hpp>


void assert_verify_bulletproof(const unsigned char* commit, size_t commitlen, const unsigned char* proof, size_t prooflen)


commit: pedersen commit of a value, a 33-byte unsigned char array

commitlen: length of commit, should be 33

proof: a 675-byte unsigned char array

prooflen: length of proof

2.9 pedersen_commit

This intrinsic generate pedersen commit.


#include <eosio/crypto.hpp>


void pedersen_commit(uint64_t value, const unsigned char* blind, size_t blindlen, unsigned char* commit, size_t commitlen)


value: a unsigned int64

blind: a 32-byte unsigned char array, random number, should be same as prove_bulletproof’s

blindlen: length of blind, should be 32

commit: output of pedersen commit, 33-byte unsigned char array

commitlen: length of commit, should be 33

